Some shocking footage has been uploaded to Vimeo this week by a user named Anon Rider showing an incident where a cyclist is hit by a motorist from behind who veers into the bike lane.

The incident took place last month, but it’s unclear whether the driver hit the cyclist deliberately or whether the driver was texting or otherwise distracted.

The original post had limited information about where the incident took place but a user in a Google group provided the following update: “This video is taken from a friend of a friend out in California. Damn, that had to hurt… Luckily he got away with no broken bones, a lot of road rash and a broken bike.”

Clipped from behind from Anon Rider on Vimeo.


  1. The original poster provided some additional detail in the comments that, IMO, indicate distracted driving:

    I got lucky. Driver stopped and police were there shortly after. Everything moving forward so far.

    I escaped with minimal injuries: Lots of road rash, a few stitches and a separated rib. The driver stopped and a full police report was completed on scene.

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