Lance Armstrong is amongst a number of high profile speakers due to appear at the forthcoming One-Zero Conference in Dublin, and in advance of his appearance, he has suggested that journalist Paul Kimmage conduct the interview.

The One-Zero Conference is taking place on October 21 and amongst the other speakers appearing include golfer Shane Lowry, former England rugby coach Clive Woodward, CEO of Skins Jaimie Fuller and Twitter Head of Sport Alex Trickett.

Armstrong sent a tweet yesterday saying: “Hey @PaulKimmage, here’s a thought. How about you and I do the interview @OneZeroCon?”


Kimmage then responded saying: “@lancearmstrong @OneZeroCon You’re confusing me with one of those muppets that used to dance to your tune.”


He then went on to say: “@lancearmstrong But I’ll answer you, although I’m not sure you deserve it. Will I sit diwn with you? Absolutely. But not on these terms”


The two most memorably clashed at a press conference prior to the start of the 2009 Tour of California when Kimmage asked Armstrong a question regarding dopers. Armstrong seemingly feigned ignorance of who Kimmage was before responding in an aggressive manner to Kimmage’s line of questioning and his comment that Armstrong was the “cancer of cycling”.


  1. Lance was a hero of mine, as was pantani, virenque and so many more that were eventually found to be doping lol. I don’t chose well, obviously. However, lance seems to now come over as a complete psychopath and vindictive fucker, I wouldn’t give him any court.

  2. So why do all of those others get a pass, Dave Rollinson, while Mr. Armstrong is thoroughly reviled? It’s almost as if he’s taking all of the heat generated by everyone else. Or is it just that he was so thoroughly obnoxious as his ship was sailing, and then sinking?

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