This is the cyclist account (Translated form Portuguese)

“How many know how to use the bike as well as transportation and constantly go through complicated situations. The following is the account of what happened to me recently …
Friday (02.12.16) comes off the bike the way home from work when shortly after the BRT tank station a bus line 878 (Traffic Transport Bar), even with the two free track “took a fine” me . The bus was going to the garage and after a “thin” managed to reach the bus and told the driver “I’m just trying to get home and you almost knocked me” .Montei on the bike and went on my way, but then forward the same driver (Oliveira Wilson), again with two free tracks, purposely threw the bus for me.
If you were passing a BRT at the time I probably would not be here … After this closed the driver accelerated to leave and quickly rode the bike and caught the driver. I stopped in front of the bus and called the police!

I waited for the arrival of the police for more than 40 minutes and meanwhile some popular began to agglomerate and say that I was wrong and make various threats. Even while waiting for the police, a woman (Elaine Severini) came to me saying that there was an area of ​​bandit and sent to take the bike because otherwise “I would see only”. He began to pull the bike from me and this she ended up scratching the bike crown.

After more confusion the police arrived and thought that from now on would be safe and supported, but it was when had a bad surprise. The totally unprepared police began to question what I was wrong, it should not be walking down the street and it was just a closed and as I was not hurt could not help. I insisted on taking all (I, the driver and the crazy drunk) to the police station to register the BO. Very reluctantly the police have been all to the 28 police station.
Again I was surprised by a delegate who claimed that I was just “giving a hissy fit because it was” just a closed anything “besides several times to say that I’d be in trouble because only crazy was scratched. I even said I could be framed in law Maria da Penha and tried other devices so that I did not follow with the occurrence of registration, according to her “for my own good.”

I insisted on making the record and heard the delegate I was a rebel playboyzinho I wanted to draw attention and that she should be resting as opposed to be recording “that little show.”
We continue with the registration and to my surprise I WAS THE AUTHOR of a personal injury against the crazy and the driver would be a witness in favor of it!
Now I have a scheduled hearing being charged with assault and the driver continues to drive freely …”


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