Designers at the Dalian National University in China have come up with a design for a stationary bike which simultaneously washes your clothes while you ride.

Bike Washing Machine (or BiWa) combines a stationary bicycle and washing machine, and when you ride the bike, the pedalling motion causes the drum of the washing machine to rotate. In addition, any superfluous electricity which is generated can be used to power the display screen or can be stored for future use.

The students are now building a prototype of the machine. They sent to the website Tuvie, which is a platform for showcasing future technology and modern industrial design ideas.

Photo: Tuvie
Photo: Tuvie

According to the designers: “Riding a bike is a popular exercise, washing laundry is something that you might do on daily basis or at least once a week, unless you keep buying new clothes and underwear, so why not combine them into a single useful equipment/appliance?”

Designers: Xuefei Liu, Di Fang, Linhao Su, Zhanbing Li, Xiaoyu Gao Xueyi Wang, Wen Fan, Liying Zhu, Deqian Zhao, Huan Li, Mengmeng Hu and Weiwei Li of Dalian Nationalities University


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