More than 400,000 Belgians have received compensation for commuting to work by bike in 2015 which is a significant increase on previous years according to a report in De Tijd.

Finance Minister Johan Van Overtveldt (New Flemish Alliance) provided details of the numbers last week in a response to a parliamentary question from Georges Gilkinet of the Ecolo party.

Van Overtveldt confirmed that 406,000 employees had commuted by bike last year, which is an increase of 30% from the numbers travelling to work by bike in 2011.

The payment that each cyclist receives is dependent on the distance that they travel to work and the total cost to the Belgian government last year was €93.3 million compared to €62.1 million in 2011.

In 2011, the average distance a cyclist travelled to work per annum was 944 kilometres compared to 1,045 kilometres last year.


  1. The Australian Government could have put 94 million into such a positive public health initiative but instead they gave 94 million to the Clinton Foundation…..????

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