Ian Frazer, the Managing Director of Vidette UK has posted an apology on the company’s Facebook page in relation to the video which was posted widely yesterday showing what he described as “a very irresponsible and dangerous move by an engineer driving one of Vidette’s vehicles.” He also confirmed that the driver has now been dismissed with immediate effect.

In the apology, Mr Frazer says that he has interviewed the driver and he says that he “can honestly say that he is so full of remorse and fully understands how lucky he and the cyclist have been on this occasion and swears to never let himself get into a position like this again He stated that he was having personal problems with his family and his mind “was all over the place” and that he is so sorry.”

The video from 30 April showed the driver of the Vidette van overtaking a cyclist and then veering towards the edge of the road, forcing the cyclist into the grass verge.

Mr. Frazer who outlines that he is a keen cyclist himself also announced that he will be introducing a driver awareness course into the company.


    • Even if it is it has highlighted something that happens regularly on our roads…an impatient driver behaves badly towards a cyclist…..the root cause for operation close pass….

  1. Thanks for apologies. Driver awareness will be demanded by police after court and his driverslicence revoked. Regardless of excuses like “private situations” etc, this behaviour couldve ended deadly and it might be likely the driver “solves” his grievances in public more often like this.

  2. Most of our governments have yet to apologize for the thousands and tens of thousands killed due to their actions. So I think this apology is worth it’s weight in gold in comparison.

  3. They’ve sacked the driver which is all they can do, now the police need to deal with him too. He’s really fuckd up, but he could have killed that cyclist.

    • I’m not a cyclist but I agree that the Police should take action on the van driver. But they should also take action on the cyclist with him failing to make progress seeing he is in the middle of the lane, which would have the cause of holding up and preventing free flowing traffic.

    • Les Critchlow the cyclist is not failing or make progress, he is allowed by law to used his whole lane and has taken an position that is advised by a long list of experts for these circumstances.

    • He is impeding the free flow of traffic by taking that position in the road. If that was the correct position why the hell do the highways agency paint cycle lane on the left of the lane and not in the middle.

  4. Reading the first part of the response from the company director, I was actually surprised that they dismissed him. I thought it was going to be a half arsed limp wristed response.
    Hopefully this will be a lesson to the other idiots out there who believe cyclists and other vulnerable users are an easy target.

    • Terence McSweeney exactly. In the gutter where they belong. Nothing worse than having to slow down for one of those low-lifes. And why do pedestrians insist on crossing roads? I hate having to wait at ped crossings. Seems to be more and more of them. Wastes minutes of my day. Don’t get me started on cars coming the other way. I wanted to overtake a selfish old bag doing 50 in a 60 but there was a wall of traffic coming the other way. Must have sat there at 48mph for 15 fucking whole minutes behind the old numpty but the real problems was the number of absolute dicks coming the other way. Think one would pull over and let me overtake?

    • Terence McSweeney because if we do people overtake when there isn’t enough space to do so safely which causes accidents and kills cyclists. If cyclists move out to the centre of the lane they are less likely to happen. He is in the centre because there are double white lines and it is highly likely that the van would try and overtake without crossing them leaving the cyclist only a small gap.

  5. Very good apology from the director. I’m glad he fired the driver. And especially glad that he is initiating driver awareness training. Maybe other companies will follow his lead.

    The excuse from the driver is just what I fear from drivers. Their heads are elsewhere while I’m right in front of them.

      • Discouraging negligent close passing from drivers in dangerous situations.

        If you were paying attention you would have noticed he *did* move left once the vehicle approaching from the other direction passed.

        Doesn’t work with dickheads, unfortunately. Glad the rider was able to react in time, this time.

      • If you stay tight to left a minority of reckless drivers don’t even slow down and squeeze past at speed . I used to stay tight to left until I got hit by a woman doing just that. Even if he had stayed tight to left it wasn’t safe to overtake if you are keeping the appropriate distance from the cyclist and there was a solid white line on road. No point blaming the cyclist for the van drivers actions.

    • The reason, not the excuse, for the cyclist to have been in the middle of the road is safety. If the cyclist stays to the left, but there isn’t sufficient room for a car or van to pass, drivers will still try to pass and put the cyclist at risk of being hit. Therefore, it is safest for the cyclist to be in the center of the lane until there is room in the lane for both.


      If you’re slightly nervous about cycling on the road, the tendency is to cycle as far over to the left as you can so that you take up as little space as possible. This encourages some motorists to take little notice of your rightful space on the road, and instead they drive dangerously close.

      Instead, cycle two to three feet away from the edge of the road so that you command space like other vehicles do; motorists are forced to actively overtake you as if they were overtaking another car (which they should be doing anyway according to the Highway Code).

      Don’t be afraid to take up space, particularly on a bend or on a narrow street. This stops impatient motorists from trying to squeeze past you.

      Another advantage of taking an assertive position on the road is that a motorist pulling out from the upcoming junction on your left hand side has a much better chance of seeing you approaching if you’re not hugging the curb.”


  6. I don’t condone the actions of the driver, but why do cyclists feel it necessary to show no regard to other road users and cycle in the middle of the road? go through red lights? etc

    • serious question, I’m not trying to be bitchy, but the guy in the video had 0 reason to use that much. I used to road cycle considerable distances and never did I ride without consideration to other road users, same as I don’t in a car or on a motorbike

    • Didnt see any red lights there mate. Just somebody using a ton of metal to try and push a bike off the road. Wonder what you would think if that was one of your loved ones .

    • Kevin Hamilton it was a general question in regards to the lights. Also the loved ones line doesn’t work with me, as already stated I don’t condone the actions of the van but I fail to understand why someone using the road would do so without consideration to others as I see on a daily basis, yet I had no issue doing.

    • Michael, the cyclist was defensive, protecting his position on the road at a time that was clearly unsafe for the van to overtake him: narrow lane, double centre line and on coming traffic. The van driver was clearly keen to attempt an unsafe passing manoeuver and had the cyclist been riding in the gutter I suspect the van driver would have taken that as an invitation to attempt to pass when unsafe, could’ve been much worse for the cyclist. This van driver was clearly driving aggressively. Finally, I do not know the quality of the road surface – it’s commonly poorer on the far left.

    • Not bothered about your general question. My statement comes from a video ive seen along with thousands of others where somebody was deliberatly shoved off the road in a deliberate act which could so easily ended in the cyclist losing their life. People doing shite like this get what they deserve. PS i dont jump red lights personally but if cyclists do then they shouldnt complain when they suffer. Theres good and bad on both sides. I always acknowledged and give motorists due respect when im on the road but that act was downright criminal

    • Michael Clarkson the cyclistbeas in the position in the lane recommended by British cycling. It’s used to signal to vehicles that it’s not safe for then to overtake when they might be tempted to try and overtake….in this case it’s because there are double white lines in the middle of the road. .

      Rule 165 days you shouldn’t overtake where there are double white lines (excepting rule 129 where the part of which that applies is cyclists doing 10mph or less, which is unlikely as an average male cyclist can easily do 18Mph) In order for the van to overtake safely rule 163 says vehicles should give cyclists as much room as they would a car and the only way to do this, even if the cyclist were riding on the kerb would be by straddling the double white lines…
      You can even prove this if you look at the point where the van actually overtakes….look at the distance the van is from the kerb….it’s not big enough for a car and the vans wheels are on the now broken centre line….

      Hope this helps…
      Below is s link to the relevant British cycling page.


    • No reasonable cyclist agrees with running red lights but cyclists are not alone in this. Why is it that you pick up on cyclists doing it when car drivers van drivers etc do it too? As for cycling in the middle of the road, cyclists are entitled to do this and it is advised that we do in certain circumstances. It is neither illegal nor selfish.

    • I do, not on cycling pages though. Would seem backwards to do so, anyway my actual question has been answered by two helpful people, I am not interested in getting into a debate with others trying to be defensive. Thanks anyway

    • Michael Clarkson sorry I forgot, in a car there isn’t really enough space in a lane to manoeuvre like this and it’s not really necessary as things don’t tend to try and run you off the road. As an motorcyclist though (and I am one and have been for over 30 years) you would generally take a defensive position in the right hand wheel track effectively placing you directly in front of the driver at all times except where you deliberately move to the left to allow vehicles to pass on fast stretches of road where you would significantly impede their progress because your vehicles speed is limited for example and you should only do this if you are certain that they can overtake you safely without inconveniencing or endangering you or other road users.

    • It may come as a surprise to most drivers but cyclists have as much right as drivers to take up the entire lane. You will often see cyclists riding side-by-side, and you, as a driver, may think they’re being selfish by doing so. But the fact is the cyclist is actually reducing the risk of having an accident; it’s the safest way for them to cycle, particularly if there’s a blind bend, a narrowing of the road, a high risk junction, pinch point or traffic lights ahead. http://www.derbyshire.police.uk/Safety-advice/Road-Safety-Vehicle-Security/Cyclists.aspx

    • Michael Clarkson so what you are saying is that you are really only on here to muddy the waters and distract people from the real issue of the dangerous behaviour of the van….so you are a self confessed troll….
      Nice. Look forward to you meeting some of the hard working police officers who take dangerous behaviour around cyclist seriously….and you will, I have no doubt…

    • Nadia Lewis no. Cant you understand a genuine question? As I said, i dont condone the van drivers actions. Like I said previously I have no interest in debating with intellectual people like yourself that fail to understand the concept of the question asked.

    • Kevin Hamilton the biggest ‘bad’ is that so many people are stupid enough to take ‘sides’ depending upon mode of transport rather than rights and wrongs. Tribalism is a special kind of ignorance.

    • Michael Clarkson I didn’t intend to debate either. I stated facts. The fact is you probably don’t even have a licence and if you do you should already know this stuff because you would have taken your theory test. So what you really wanted to do here was be anti cyclist without appearing to be…..oops you failed.

    • Nadia Lewis obviously not… the two guys have already answered my question excellently. I couldn’t understand why he would be so far into the road, that has been answered. Genuine questions that are met with answers like yours are part of the reason there is a divide between motorists and cyclists. Like I said, i have no interest in debating with someone that fails to understand english.

    • And going off your other comments on others posts you’re an angry little person, you need to get yourself a life. It’s rather sad that you feel the need to debate on the internet 24/7, i pitty you

  7. About time cracking response. The cyclist could have been so easily killed that shouldnt be forgotten. Hope the police still prosecute because that is a downright irresponsible action the driver took there. Sorry but no excuses for any of the drivers actions. Wonder how he would have felt viewing that if his son or daughter was on the bike. What would he be saying or thinkinking now

  8. Sometimes as a cyclist you have to “own” the road to make it clear there’s no room to pass. That driving was clearly a revenge act. Being sorry is no good if it’s too late.☹

  9. A good job there was someone filming this behind him. Stuff like this goes on but this time the idiot has been caught. Thankfully the rider had a verge and managed to stay upright.

  10. I’d never ride in that road position. I don’t care that the highway code says you can. Facts are that positioning would piss off most drivers, and although the majority of drivers are patient there are still twats out there. If I rode like that I’d expect drivers behind to be angry.

    Yes the driver was a twat. No it was not acceptable. But we all have a responsibility to ride with respect to all road users.

    • As stated above. I wouldn’t ride like that because it would annoy the driver behind.

      I’m not sure it’s up to me, as a cyclist to tell the driver behind whether he is safe to overtake. I certainly wouldnt block him.

    • That’s not common sense, that’s victim blaming. If some twat in a car gets so aggravated by having to wait behind a bicycle for about one minute, that driver doesn’t have any business partaking in traffic in the first place.

    • In situations like that we could be aware of the rear vehicle and assist with an overtaking opportunity when there is a break in traffic, move left and wave the vehicle through. It’s about law and entitlement yes but courtesy and mostly survival are more important so we get home to the family every night. Not victim or aggressor blaming, just saying we all need to work on this drivers & cyclists to avoid these perpetual friggin antagonising posts

    • A sensible reply. The van driver was out of order but some cyclists don’t help. Especially these dick heads that feel the need to put confrontations on You Tube. If I can make it easier for a vehicle to overtake on a narrow road I will. As long as they do so with care, I’m happy.

      There was plenty of room for the van to get pass if the cyclist moves over.

    • Ah, yes… victim blaming. If the onus on cyclists was to “avoid annoying drivers” (as opposed to, you know, the safety and legal guidelines and regulations in the highway acts or whatever driving regulations apply in your jurisdiction) you should simply park your bike in your basement.

      100% chance you won’t risk annoying any drivers by cycling that way.

    • I’m not surprised my view is unpopular with some and thats ok. I wouldn’t expect everyone to have a balanced view.

      As I said before the driver is clearly a twat, I’m not victim blaming whatsoever but everyone plays a role in keeping roads safe.

    • It’s a bend with double white lines and on coming cars, but you’d be happy for a van/lorry/tractor/car with trailer (that the driver doesn’t actually know how wide the trailer is) to squeeze past, as opposed to the driver waiting until a gap and giving enough room? The video is short, and there is a safe point to over take, yet the driver still decides to attempt to knock the guy off. Your ‘balanced view’ though would have seen you pull onto the grass? Built a cycle path prior to bike riding, assumed that the oncoming traffic would have conceded some space and that the following commercial vehicle wasn’t much wider than a van (so not a lorry or with a trailer on the back). whilst I agree regarding helping each other and often wave drivers past, get our club run into single file etc, there are places where I make sure the vehicle behind has to think before over taking to save them the hassle of having squashed me, and make sure I don’t ruin my new cycling kit by being crushed to death in it.

    • Yes Anthony Gough.

      I agree entirely. That seems to be the way these days, everyone is quick to be angry rather than take a step back.

      Some great examples above.

      I am not anti cyclist, I ride a lot. I have plenty of near misses myself. All the ‘victim blaming’ accusations above is extremely black & white, I’m glad I’m not so judgemental.

    • Haha if anyone’s sitting here and saying the guy on the bike wasn’t been a twat your all in denial, no matter what the code says he was purposely blocking, if someone can send me the link where it says you can wave a driver by to overtake please share, also the van driver clearly had issues deserved the outcome

    • I agree with Dave Harper entirely. As a driver I try to give as much room as possible but some people riding really take the piss with their road position sometimes. I see them side by side three up sometimes!! As for that driver though…. He may well have been punished but he also needs a slap for that one…. My God….

    • Steve Darby Of course he was doing it on purpose! That’s taking the lane until to dissuade passing until it’s safe to do so! Once the road widens or straightens and allows for safe passing, the cyclists resumes his/her normal position close to the edge of the road to allow for safe overtaking.

      With regard to passing (in any jurisdiction I know) – the trigger for safe passing is not whenever the overtaking vehicle’s driver feels like doing so irrespective of road and traffic conditions. HINT: “because it’s pissing me off” is not a reasonable justification for any traffic violation.

    • I agree with Nick, sorry Dave. The driver is a feckin disgrace. However, I do feel the cyclist riding so far out is causing a bit of antagonism.

      But to be fair, he’s the sort of driver that’s a danger to cyclists however they position themselves !!

    • Oh sorry I forgot we’re delicate little flowers who need our safe space. If he moves over and waves the van through then there’s a good chance the van would take care in passing. All this 1.5 metre lark is great in theory but it’s not achievable on all roads. I’ve had plenty of vehicles overtake a lot closer and I didn’t die or cry about it. If they have taken care in getting pass then I don’t see the problem.

    • It’s completely up to you. I ride in this position when I see a pinch point on the road OR oncoming traffic. Because if the driver attempts an overtake and can’t get it done he’s going to pull back in on you rather than go head on into oncoming traffic.

      You have to ride defensively, you have to second guess drivers actions and to hell if it upsets anybody, it’s your duty to protect yourself – we all have families we’d like to get home to.

      It’s about common sense – if it’s safe to let a driver pass then I always pull to the side and give a wave to let them know it’s clear. We don’t want to hold anybody up. 90% of drivers don’t react like idiots when they are held up.

    • Dave Harper I appreciate your opinion and I have to say I respect it. As a bike rider and motorcyclist I do get pissed off at people who arent considerate of other PERIOD. Doesnt matter who you are or what you’re in control of, whether its a bike, car motorbike, truck or tractor, doesn’t matter, respect others….

    • Rodrigo Diaz appreciate your opinion, but it’s the car driver that decides when it’s safe to overtake if your cutting from the left to the middle all the time there’s going to be confusion, how do you let traffic behind know your about to take a new riding position in the middle of road, hear lots of rules about the road maybe car drivers should go on a bike awareness course, and cyclist take lessons and also pass a test of competence?

    • I think if I had that situation I would also I worry a lot about the cars crossing in canada seems to be a lot of drivers who jump the green not waiting for opposing traffic to completely stop

    • It’s not uncommon for cars to run reds in the U.K. Less common for cars to jump the green, mostly because you often in my area at least watch three who must have run the red go through after yours has turned green. I don’t condone either no matter what form of transport I am on and have been hit from behind in the car rather than running a red but as a cyclist I am a bit too squishy to do that so I will try and avoid the situation where the car behind me is likely to do that by controlling the approach speed etc but it isn’t always possible….

  11. I’d still like to see the few minutes before this section. Maybe we’d see how a cyclist decides to adopt such an usual position. Yes, there’s assertive riding, but there’s also taking the piss.

    Seems to me that the cyclist is acting like a complete tit. The cyclists reaction to the van passing seems far too quick. Perhaps he knew that he was at the wind-up.

    Go on. Let’s see the full footage.

    • You were making assumptions about what happened prior to this, and it sounded very much as if you were saying the rider had antagonised the driver to the point that the actions were somehow justified. Similar to asking whether a 19 year old rape victim was wearing a short skirt, this is in effect victim blaming and undermines everyone who could potentially be harmed through irresponsible / criminal activity.

    • You were making assumptions about what happened prior to this, and it sounded very much as if you were saying the rider had antagonised the driver to the point that the actions were somehow justified. Similar to asking whether a 19 year old rape victim was wearing a short skirt, this is in effect victim blaming and undermines everyone who could potentially be harmed through irresponsible / criminal activity.

    • David Miller why the assumption toward the cyclist? Van-driver was way too close, ie a dangerously and illegally. So why assume the cyclist was somehow at fault some time before this? ‘The cyclists reaction at the van passing was far too quick’ – Wtaf? Where to even begin with this. You obviously never cycled and suffered a large vehicle sitting on your back wheel before making a life-threateningly close pass. It happens all of the time. So again, why do you assume/accuse against the cyclist? Agenda?

  12. More naming and shaming. Once idiots realise you may lose your job, wife (because no girl likes a broke dude), reputation etc then they might think twice before being a twit. There are cameras everywhere now..

  13. the cyclist was defensive, protecting his position on the road at a time that was clearly unsafe for the van to overtake him: narrow lane, double centre line and on coming traffic. The van driver was clearly keen to attempt an unsafe passing manoeuver and had the cyclist been riding in the gutter I suspect the van driver would have taken that as an invitation to attempt to pass when unsafe, could’ve been much worse for the cyclist. This van driver was clearly driving aggressively. Finally, I do not know the quality of the road surface – it’s commonly poorer on the far left.

  14. Steven, look at the footage again and please tell me that the van and the cyclist cannot fit on the same lane. You will also notice a clear visibility and the road marking changes from solid to normal. Get a grip and realise that the cyclist is being an annoying cunt and purposely winding the van driver up, whom has now lost his job thanks to this bell. Cyclists have a bad mentality that they owe the road, and this needs to stop

  15. No I do not think there was enough room to pass the cyclist safely unless the cyclist was riding on the verge. You’re saying the cyclist made the van driver act that way, because the cyclist threatened the van driver’s space, and on behalf of the driver you’re pleading self defense? Shame on you! (and not one profanity given to you).

  16. I cycle loads, and looking at this video I hate to admit it, but I can see the how the van driver got frustrated with the cyclist riding all over the place. I would have focused on staying near the roadside edge white line. This cyclist is giving those who have good road sense a bad image. He probably was listening to his IPod?

  17. Driver shouldn’t have reacted like that but driver would not have done this if cyclist was in the correct position. Thanks to the cyclist, the driver lost his job and it would have had massive knock on effect

  18. Good on the director ,and a cyclist too , and sure he has suffer too from close calls on the road from motorists and kudos to him for his company drivers to have to take on an awareness course.

  19. It may come as a surprise to most drivers but cyclists have as much right as drivers to take up the entire lane. You will often see cyclists riding side-by-side, and you, as a driver, may think they’re being selfish by doing so. But the fact is the cyclist is actually reducing the risk of having an accident; it’s the safest way for them to cycle, particularly if there’s a blind bend, a narrowing of the road, a high risk junction, pinch point or traffic lights ahead. http://www.derbyshire.police.uk/Safety-advice/Road-Safety-Vehicle-Security/Cyclists.aspx

  20. Obviously the UK has no idea how to share the road, by which I mean both cyclists and motor vehicles. I see these videos constantly and guess where they all happen? On part of the environment, this is a ridiculous type of road to cycle on, there is no infrastructure such as a small lane for cyclists. On part of the cyclist, not allowing a car proper space to overtake you and taking up the space a car would need is just stupid. The car, in turn, through temper tantrum, is equally ridiculous. While here across the channel in Holland people share the road with none of these absurd scenarios.

    • Yep the uk is way behind when is comes to modern roads infrastructure, the Governments who take power want more people on bicycles but have no answers to this problem.

    • Yes we do not live in a country with thousands of cycle lanes but that said the cyclist did nothing wrong.
      He was in the lane position that is recommended by British cycling the IAM and police forces. It is the position taught by the government approved cycle training scheme Bikeability too.

  21. Stupid really, you can see the cyclist is deliberately riding in a position that is stopping the regular flow of traffic when it wasn’t necessary. I think the driver should be given a medal.

    • Championing the driver is half or most of the problem here. Whilst the rider may have put himself out there, we don’t know what has occurred previous to this. He could have come off a big hill around a bend which would have put him out there. Or he could be just a dickhead who hogs the road. Either way, the drivers behaviour was just plain silly. Cyclist are vulnerable and human beings too. It never ceases to amaze me, that our nature changes behind the wheel when we’re encased by steel on the road. It seems to give us a sense of entitlement and we challenge people that we ordinarily wouldn’t if we weren’t so protected within our cars (or vans / trucks).
      I’m a keen cyclist and ride approx 150-200kms a week. But I also drive about 700ks a week, so I see it from both sides. I’ve seen cyclist do silly things and in my job, I’ve pulled them up and reminded them of there responsibilities to other road users. But equally all road users need to be vigilant and take a deep breath on the road. In reality, the van driver would have been held up for a maximum of 20 maybe 40 seconds getting to his next job. Not much in the scheme of a 10 to 30 minute trip really!!!! Of note, there was pole on the side of the road just up ahead. Can you imagine the outcome if the cyclist hit that. The driver would be facing goal. Can you imagine if it was your brother, sister, mum, dad or cousin? I’m sure it would be a medal you would be giving him.

      Peter, I’m not sure if you’re a Troll trying to get a rise or you simply have the us against them attitude. That’s not helping the road toll. Either way mate, your a sad, sad person.

    • Van driver deserves a medal for attempting to knock a cyclist off his bike. Peter you are the exact problem we face every day with stupid ignorant comments, if that was your brother or son or wife on that bike how would you feel now.

    • Yeah what Peter Burrows said. Why so angry isn’t a bloke aloud to have an opinion. You riders all seem to be able to say and do what ever the he’ll it is you want. Go ride on the pathways and leave our roads alone.

    • “If the road is too narrow for vehicles to pass you safely, it may be better to ride in the middle of the lane to prevent dangerous overtaking.” -Chief inspector Ian Vincent, Cycle Task Force

    • “If the road is too narrow for vehicles to pass you safely, it may be better to ride in the middle of the lane to prevent dangerous overtaking.” -Chief inspector Ian Vincent, Cycle Task Force

    • Really. Seeing as you aren’t a British resident and clearly don’t know the British laws and this happened in the U.K. Maybe it would be better if you kept your uneducated remarks to yourself because there are so many reasons you are wrong it would take me all day to explain it and you just aren’t worth the effort. Now off you trot you flaming idiot.

    • Brendan Mercieca yes, he is allowed an opinion but when he blames an innocent victim then he can expect to have his opinion argued with. Is it okay to blame a girl wearing a short skirt for rape? No. So why is it okay to blame the cyclist who is riding not only within the law but as advised by numerous experts.

    • Peter Burrows but as the cyclist was not a “toss pot” it actually riding as recommended by cycling organisations, the police and the Institute of Advanced Motorists then he remains a cyclist with all rights of the road intact. And even if he were a toss pot that does not give any one the right to endanger his life.

      The van driver on the other hand broke several laws and has quite rightly lost his job and is hopefully going to wave goodbye to his licence.

  22. Knew he would get sacked, a moment of madness with lifes in other peoples hands..

    Crazy for the cyclist to be hogging the lane like that, even just as crazy for the driver to try and ram someone off the road..

  23. I think you’ll find that the driver is fully responsible for all his actions. The cyclist did nothing wrong. He did not even have a horn to use. Research shows that people decide how they’re going to drive the moment they sit in the drivers seat. He was aggressive even before the ill advised swerve. The driver cannot blame the cyclist. Only a fool would.

  24. couple of things… 1. what was speed limit? 2. what HC say about slower wehicles – meaning which side of the road should they drive/ride? 3. van driver defo caused dangerous situation on the road, no matter how pissed he was and double solid was no more so he could overtake the rider. 4. rder is stupid as f..ck as i have no clue what he wanted to proove with it? armoured body made of carbon fibers? 😀

    • Speed limit irrelevant here
      Highway Code says you may not overtake on double white lines if the cyclist is doing more than 10mph. An average cyclist can easily cruse at 18mph so overtaking would have been illegal. The road was not wide enough to pass (Highway Code says give at least as much room as you would a car) without crossing double white lines so it would not make any difference it the van driver where in the lane the cyclist was as he should not have been attempting to overtake at the start of the video. When the double solids turn to broken and solid the cyclist starts to more left. The van overtakes dangerously close.

      The cyclist was in the lane position recommended by British cycling, the IAM and the police. He did absolutely nothing wrong


  25. A similar cycling accident happened to me in Cape Town.But I wasn’t as lucky as this cyclist.The driver hit me from behind, me spendingcausing a near fatal accident with 11 days in ICU(touch and go) and 35 days in hospital.Massive medical bills to pay now even 4 years later on.I’m so glad that driver got fired

  26. The driver should never have been sacked. The video clearly shows the cyclist in the middle off the road and acting like a complete idiot. In my opinion he deserved it.

    • The cyclist is entitled to use the whole of this lane. He did nothing wrong. On the other hand the list of offences the van driver committed starting with using his horn aggressively, and including actively endangering another road users life is long. I hope you don’t drive. If you do please stop immediately until you have had some more lessons.

  27. Good road positioning from the cyclist nothing wrong with it that could easily have been a child or an elderly person without the same skill and reactions as the cyclist- company owners need to take proactive action rather than reactive instead of just relying on a driving licence as evidence – they don’t let people operate machinery without safety training – driving a vehicle is the same- the owner has a duty of care to ensure drivers are up to the task before giving them the keys

  28. The cyclist has obviously got mental issues. If they are suicidal, they really shouldn’t be on the road, they could have caused an accident riding like that! Unbelievable!!

    • When I ride my bike I ride with the knowledge that if I stay in the left of the lane some one will overtake me no matter how dangerous it will be for me because they think they own the road so when it is particularly dangerous I move out to discourage them. This tactic is advised my British cycling, the IAM police forces and is being taught by the government approved Cycliq training scheme Bikeability to British children.

      Educate yourself and STOP VICTIM BLAMING

    • The cyclist was in the lane position recommended by the IAM.
      If you were a decent driver you would know this. Why not go and get some extra driving lessons maybe that way you won’t cause any accidents.

  29. Its funny reading these comments and being able to work out who’s a cyclist and who gets held up by them everyday… Watched a load yesterday cycling side by side each other on a 60mph road holding up traffic when they use of a cycle path was to their left… Bellendios

  30. A very unfortunate incident… in my opinion the cyclist shouldn’t have been in the middle of the road and should have moved over a little, the van driver shouldn’t have cane so close to the cyclist and should have waited until it was safe to pass with enough space.
    Neither of these people are right and I see it as both are in the wrong…
    We all have to share the roads so learn to show respect for other road users… it’s not hard really people. Cyclist don’t purposely sit in the middle of the road making it hard for drivers to pass you… drivers have patients and give enough space to pass…. SIMPLE

  31. ‘Thanks to the cyclist the driver lost his job’…mate, are you for real? There was only one person behind that steering wheel and he has to be accountable for his own actions… “and he would have got away with it if it wasn’t for those meddling GoPro’s”

  32. ‘Thanks to the cyclist the driver lost his job’…mate, are you for real? There was only one person behind that steering wheel and he has to be accountable for his own actions… “and he would have got away with it if it wasn’t for those meddling GoPro’s”

  33. We’ve all rode a bike. Most of us drive cars. If you ride in the middle of the road like that you’re a twat. You pay tax to drive on the roads and pay nothing to ride a bike. Cars should hold priority.

    • The van driver should have used the opposite side of the road to overtake safely. You are supposed to leave cyclists plenty of room incase they are blown further out into the road. The middle of the road would have been a safe overtake if the cyclists was closer to the side of the road. Cycling in the centre of a lane is a cunts trick end of. Cycling in the centre of a lane forces drivers to have to perform more dangerous manoeuvres to overtake you and you are more likely to be blown into oncoming traffic. No excuse for it. Stick to the edge of the road. That’s why they put cycle paths on the side of the lane.

    • Connor James not enough time to address all of the errors in your last statement about road positioning and cycle lanes. But at least you were big enough to admit the others. I can only hope that you continue learn more. Good on you. Wish more people were big enough admit errors/gaps in knowledge/mistaken beliefs – the world would be a safer and more peaceful place.

    • Granted there are lots of valid points in that statement, Dave, but using textbook rules is rarely the best course of action in a real life situation. Same as Joe blogs driving with one hand on the steering wheel instead of 2. Same as Joe blogs who doesn’t look in his rear view before he brakes because if he needs to brake then….he needs to brake. However, our driving instructors always teach us to do such things. There’s an unwritten rule which isn’t really directly taught by any kind of road use instructor and that is to work with each other and use the road safely around each other. A cyclist being in the centre of a lane that is used by faster moving vehicles will always be unsafe. Any body with half a brain will understand that. You’re smaller and slower and unfortunately people suffer from road rage when they’re driving their cars at sub 20mph because of a cyclist who can’t just safely use the side of the road. Doesn’t take a genius to ride on the side of the road safely, does it? We’ve all rode a bike we all know the score. Same principles apply to car drivers, too. If there’s cyclists on the road then be courteous and give them plenty of room in every situation whether you’re behind them, in front or by the side of them. Be aware of their presence. Forget your textbook shit it’s the mind state of an experienced and sensible road user that trumps all.

    • Perhaps you’re not familair with how to overtake properly. Learn to follow the written rules of the road first. Then no one gets hurt. Sorry if the “text book shit” is too difficult for you to understand.

    • Connor James ‘the mind state of an experienced and sensible road user that trumps all.’ Are you telling us it’s safe and sensible for a cyclist to hug the kerb on a blind left bend? Oh wait – you told us already: “Doesn’t take a genius to ride on the side of the road safely, does it? We’ve all rode a bike we all know the score. “. No, not everyone has ridden a bike, and a lot of people have no idea about road safety or the Highway Code regardless of what they drive or ride. As a young cyclist commuting I was dragged off my bike halfway around an island by a flatbed van. I was in the gutter (as always) when he snagged me. Had I been in primary I would have been seen. Not one motorist stopped to help, I had to limp half a mile the rest of the way to work and my boss gave me a lift to the hospital. Sorry Connor, but you give good reasons for us to believe you haven’t the faintest clue. I drive, and always approach bends and hills at lower speeds, you never know whether a tractor, pedestrian, horeserider, cyclist or fallen tree may be round that bend/over that hill. You’ll see a cyclist first if they are in primary. At the side of the road by the verge under those tree-shadows, you drive in fast from the sunlight hugging the blind bend/cresting the hill, looking down the road and it’s deadly for a cyclist. You may physically know how to ride a bike but you show that you know next to zero about road-safety on a bike. You’re attitude is deadly, though sadly to others as you’ll be the one behind the wheel/airbag making up your own pea-brained ‘rules of the road’ and blaming others for your mistakes. Here again, just in case you’re not a dangerous tit: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154850615093369&set=p.10154850615093369&type=3

    • The cyclist is in the lane position recommended for the road situation by British cycling, other cycling bodies, the Institute of Advanced Motorists, police forces and this position is taught to children who go on the government supported cycle training scheme Bikeability.
      If you think you are better qualified than all these people then please tell us all your qualifications otherwise

  34. I’d like to hear from the van driver directly because the excuses given to the company from him don’t justify his actions. I’m guessing the police won’t take any action either or if they do we won’t hear about it

  35. Mate, your ignorant post only highlights the reason why the driver was acting like a prick. Unlike him, you’ve got nowhere to be in a hurry, so what’s your excuse for being an ignorant prick? Grab a Highway Code and read it first – unless your interpretation of rules now qualifies you to be a total dick on social media. Your opinion means shit in the eyes of the law. That’s why the van driver you laud is looking for work. If all you dicks could only get caught on camera, the world would be better without your kind. You can all sit in the dole together getting fat and putting the world to rights. Dumb lazy mouth breathers.

  36. He cyclist should not have been that far into the road,and traffic would be able to pass.and the driver of the van was just to close to start with and then to knock him onto the grass wow could have been a lot worse for both parties.

    • The cyclist was riding in the position recommended by British cycling, the IAM and a number of police forces. If you think,you are better qualified that these people to decide where the cyclist should be please make your qualifications known so we can decided if you are or if you are just another poorly educated driver.

  37. Both dickheads. No excuse for the cyclist riding in the middle of the road and making a nuisance of himself like that. Putting himself in danger – Darwin Award in the making.

  38. I’d say to be fair, the positioning was a bit too far out, but, and it’s a big but, one action doesn’t make another action a valid and correct response. There was no excuse for that and the company reaction has been quick and fair. (I ride)

  39. The driver was clearly wrong in his actions but so was the cyclist. I’m a cyclist myself but I would never ride in the middle of the road like that as I would expect to be knocked off my bike and killed.

    • I agree with point about riding defensively in certain circumstances. The point about avoiding glass or debris isn’t correct as although you have spotted it and don’t want to ride through it, you cannot assume the car driver behind has also observed it and is sympathetic and understands that you may wish to take quick avoiding action. And the last point is insane, riding in the middle of the road is finally NOT the safest place to be.

    • The cyclist did nothing wrong. He was in the lane position recommended by British cycling, the IAM, police forces and numerous other organisations. If you think you know better than the experts please tell us what makes you qualifications known. Otherwise

    • At the end of the day none of us know why the cyclist was riding in the middle of the road. It’s irrelevant what organisations might say, you try riding in the middle of the road and see what happens to you. Bored now.

  40. The van driver was a twat but The cyclist is just as much of a twat there is no need to ride in the centre of the road with no overtaking lines . Hope you feel a. Bit of a shit contributing to someone losing their job .

    • Stuart… irrespective of your issue with the cyclists riding (although you could do with educating yourself with regard to taking the primary position etc as a cyclist) I’m not sure it warrants trying to kill someone whilst you’re passing… The driver is very lucky he’s not looking at a long stretch for killing someone that more than likely has a wife and kids..

    • It’s because of drivers like you – who think they can squeeze by without crossing the white line – that cyclists take a central position- it’s to stop morons overtaking dangerously.

    • Dave Scott your picture says it all the cyclist is on the left not in the centre of the lane and you have no fucking idea what sort of driver I am but from your comments it’s obvious what sort of cyclist you are

    • Seems like you’re exactly like the van driver – no clue why cyclists use the middle of the lane and bad attitude towards vulnerable road users. Just saying .

    • Re Double white lines. You are permitted to cross double white lines when over taking slow (10 mph or less) or stationary traffic. And as far as I can see on the video and see on the road daily, the cyclist was slow moving traffic.

    • Re Double white lines. You are permitted to cross double white lines when over taking slow (10 mph or less) or stationary traffic. And as far as I can see on the video and see on the road daily, the cyclist was slow moving traffic.

    • Stuart Leaver – ‘Wouldn’t overtake dangerously if morons overtook safely like they are supposed to’ <—– FTFY. You do NOT 'have to overtake dangerously'. Especially just because you got your panties in a bunch because you saw a bicycle on the road.

    • Okay. Once and for all.
      An average cyclist can cruse as 18mph so you should not cross double white lines to overtake.
      In order to overtake safely you should leave at least as much spa ace as you would for a car. If you look at there the van actually overtake the vans wheels are on the white line and there is not enough space for a car between the kerb and the van the road did not narrow from where there are double white lines therefore this proves that there was not enough room for the van overtake so it does not matter where in the lane the cyclist had been the van would have had to wait.
      They cyclist is in a defensive cycling position to send a message to the van that it isn’t safe to overtake. The van is the only person doing anything wrong and the list of what he is doing is a very long one.

  41. Every driver which cuts a cyclist up should face 3 points on there licence and make them do a driver advance training course too. Always give the cyclist full body facing forward which is true.

    • They do…if you provide good video evidence to the police they are in my experience more than happy to follow up complaints….it’s an easy conviction for them.

  42. On my commute by bicycle to work I find stationary/slow moving cars frequently hug the central white line – frustrating when I’d like to take opportunities to safety pass this slower moving traffic (and there’s no safety reason they’ve positioned themselves there).
    I’ve never been inspired to cut them up and force them off the road – what would that achieve other than putting both parties at risk of a collision?

  43. What a stupid stupid cyclist this is!!!!!! How do you hog the road like that? No respect for fellow road users? I would never ever do that. Why put your own life at risk like that and why peave others off? Selfishness I’mean afraid. Glad he didn’t get hurt though.

    • Lee Coop. Please answer this question: in your ‘wagon’ is it usually quicker for you overtake two cyclists riding abreast or two cyclists in front of each other? I’m talking about overtaking giving enough space. Because as a driver myself it always seems quicker to overtake two or three abreast (short vehicle) rather than three spread out in front of each other (long vehicle). It would of course be altogether quicker for me to accelerate and squeeze past single-file riders of course, but that would be risking innocent livesand limbs to save a few seconds/minutes, not to mention illegal. Anyway … genuinely interested hearing your answer?

    • The cyclist was on the correct position as recommended by British cycling the IAM the police and as taught by the government sponsored Cycle trading scheme Bikeability. If you are better qualified than the experts then please prove it. If not then STOP VICTIM BLAMING

  44. That was attempted murder. It’s ludicrous that the company owner calls it a near miss!
    The driver should be facing prosecution but although there is clear premeditated intent to cause harm there is no doubt he’d only be charged with a lesser offence of careless driving and given a nominal fine.
    The law in the UK is so biased to leniency for car drivers.

  45. We ride in the road and pull over when it is safe to do so. That is our law in Texas. Stop blaming the cyclist and demand the driver gets charged with aggravated assault.

    • Mikaere Greenslade,I will have a look at my privacy settings. I come from a country where everyone including 89 year old ladies ride bikes,,I have been raised riding bikes in traffic. .First thing you learn…dont push it…the law is the law…reality is different, I will teach my daughter the same.

    • The cyclist did nothing wrong.

      Derbyshire police say:
      “Cyclists have a right to claim the lane
      It may come as a surprise to most drivers but cyclists have as much right as drivers to take up the entire lane. You will often see cyclists riding side-by-side, and you, as a driver, may think they’re being selfish by doing so. But the fact is the cyclist is actually reducing the risk of having an accident; it’s the safest way for them to cycle, particularly if there’s a blind bend, a narrowing of the road, a high risk junction, pinch point or traffic lights ahead.
      Cyclists should never cycle in the gutter as it gives no room for avoiding obstacles and leaves no room to fall if an accident occurs, increasing the risk of falling into the road and potentially under the wheels of a vehicle.”

  46. “If the road is too narrow for vehicles to pass you safely, it may be better to ride in the middle of the lane to prevent dangerous overtaking.” -Chief inspector Ian Vincent, Cycle Task Force

  47. I don’t own a car, and bike everywhere (I live in Copenhagen, so it’s easy), but I think the cyclist is acting like an idiot, bad behaviour breeds bad behaviour and generates animosity against cyclists. The reason cycling works in Denmark and the Netherlands, even when there is no infrastructure is that there is mutual respect between cyclists and motorists, not just a one way street.

  48. Will Morrison just gave the clearest example of psychological projection. Aggressive, ignorant, hostile and entitled. He therefore believes others to be the same. He also clearly states his bias/agenda against ‘cyclists’ so his victim-blaming here is hardly surprising either. Will, please address your clear ignorance of certain sections of the Highway Code and maybe also your bias against other road users depending on their mode of transport. Be nice, eh? And if you cant be nice, at least learn the law.

  49. It’s cyclists like this that give us all a bad name. Failure to follow advice about road position, failure to be respectful of other road users, failure to be mindful about keeping balance at all time – he’s a disgrace. Deliberately trying to block the van to make some silly point? Grow up mate or get back on your tricycle.

    • 1. Didn’t apply in this case
      2. Didn’t apply in this case
      3. CLEARLY this means “alert a vehicle approaching from behind”, not “alert a vehicle that is already immediately behind you, is doing the same speed and by virtue of its height, has a better vantage point”
      4. This form of arrogant ‘You’re required to have a driving license, I’m not, but I know better’ is exactly why as many cyclists die on London’s roads as they do.
      5. Didn’t apply in this case. Hazards ahead? WHAT hazard ahead?
      6. And this explains the need to be in the MIDDLE of the lane? Besides, motorised vehicles have insurance and pay road tax.
      7. And ignore the highway code on the point of faster moving vehicles. Did you EVER see a horse rider going down the middle of the road? No, because they’re not arrogant.
      8. You go to the MIDDLE of the lane to prepare for a left turn? I don’t, but maybe that’s why I’ve never had a problem like this.
      9. It’s safer to be in the MIDDLE of the road?! Clearly not! I have the legal right to be in Syria or Beirut, but I’m not there because “it’s dangerous and I have common sense”.

    • Mate, I’m 50 years old. I’ve been riding on roads since I was 8, main roads since I was 10. And in those 42 years, I’ve had one accident when a car turned right through me. I was 12. I’ve also ridden Supersport motorbikes since I was 24. And the reason I’m still alive? Because I don’t ride around like a cunt thinking either my 9kg bike or 220kg motorbike or I am going to fare very well if I start trying to bully lorries and trucks on the road.

      My advice to you? Grow up, lose the attitude and with any luck you won’t become a messy statistic.

    • Whatever, mate. Ride the way you want. Then bitch about how “car/van/lorry drivers are irresponsible, blind, reckless morons with no respect for cyclists”. But I’ll never become the cyclist in this video, complaining that a van overtook me in a less than safe way because I didn’t get my way when I tried to stop him from passing me. You, however, may well be.

    • Yep – you’re right – whatever. The cyclist should have ridden in the gutter – then there would have been no need for the van driver to slow down – then the driver could have side swiped the guy on the bike while doing 60 mph rather than 15. Stick to the gutter mate.

    • Cyclists have a right to use the whole of their lane. He had a valid reason to chose his lane position and was not holding up traffic as they should not have been attempting to overtake on double white lines anyway as lane was not wide enough to pass the cyclist who was doing more than 10mph without crossing the double whites so they cyclist could have been in the gutter and it would still not have been okay for the van to overtake.
      The only cunt, in this situation is the van. If you can’t understand that then you need to go and take driving lessons and it’s probably best if you have some anger management classes too

    • I see you’re one of those cyclists who have selective vision: traffic lights that the World see as red, you see as green. Stop lines that everyone else sees, you don’t. And a dotted central line permitting overtaking (at the point at which the van did so), you see as the same solid line as was there 100 meters previously. This blindness is why so many cyclists get hurt.

  50. It’s not the company’s fault. It’s the drivers. If it wasn’t a company van he would have done that in a car.hope the cyclist is alright and the van driver as leant his lesson

  51. Funny how no one is brave enough to victim blame on Froome’s page…he just suffered a similar incident apparently…..only Froome’s bike got wrecked in the process.

  52. Mikaere Greenslade ahh, the true colours of an anti cyclist…
    Paying for a licence and rego does not mean that you own the road.

    i guess that you are not for, the UK where this happen so I will presume your ignorance of British law is a result of that.

    In the U.K. a cyclist is legally entitled to use the whole of his lane. He is not required to pay road tax or insurance. Furthermore, the cyclist is in the position in his lane that is recommended by cycling organisations, the police and the institute of advanced Motorists.

    Please if you plan on driving in the U.K. Learn the rules.

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