No details as yet of what led up to this. Some context though, the guy doing the punching is in the blue shorts. It’s unclear if the girl intervening knows the cyclist or not.

We’ve all had run ins with cars but it should never lead to a brawl in the streets. We’ll update you when we know more.

Happened outside the Intrepid Museum in New York


  1. What a PD response for a fight. In my city, it would have taken one patrol car 3 hours to respond. The only thing that would have happened after that is a report filed.

  2. I had a guy whaling on his horn at me once and scared the crap out of me, causing me to almost crash. We came to a stop sign where I was turning to ride up a closed canyon road (closed to motorized vehicles.) I flipped the dude off. He jumped out of his car and told me, “You better watch who you flip off, I going to kick your ass!” I said, “Your fat ass won’t even catch me.” He forgot to put on his parking brake as he tried running after me, and his car started rolling down the street. I was cracking up as I was watching him try to catch his car heading into the river bed on the side of road.

  3. My experience as a motorist in a city with lots of cyclist is that often the cyclist don’t want to follow the rules of the road, like running stop signs and stop lights and cutting off cars, but then they expect to be given every right of way! I had a co-worker who used to laugh about his close calls, until one day about 10 years ago, when he made an illegal left turn at an intersection against the light, got hit by a car with the right of way and he is now dead. Cyclist don’t seem to understand, in a disagreement between them and a car, the car is always going to win!!!

    • As you said, it’s the cyclist’s risk either way. When you don’t give them a right of way they rightly expect, they can die. When the opposite happens, also they can die, not you. You’re the one wielding the deadly machine, not them. Have a little respect for that. Soon google cars will fix all this.

      Until then, in your experience do motorists follow the rules of the road? How many fender benders have you had? How many do you think a cyclist can have without being dead or in a hospital?

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