One common complaint that cyclists hear from motorists is that they always ride “in the middle of the road.”

Well, this video shows the dangers of sticking to the side of the road and not giving yourself some space, and the ever-present danger of getting doored.

As the cyclist travels along a bus lane, the driver of a parked car opens his door in front of the cyclist. The cyclist appears to clip the car door and swerves out in front of a car behind.

He’s hit by the car behind but despite his fall, he seems to escape any serious injury. This could have been easily avoided if the driver of the parked car had just looked to see that there were no cyclists approaching before opening his door.


  1. He appears to clip the edge of the door and get knocked toward the right – into the oncoming car. Would it have been safer for the bicyclist to swerve left, into exiting person, and then get thrown over the top of the door?

    • Honestly, I’ve never been doored but I have gotten into a few accidents myself and have been pretty close to getting doored a couple items. When your in those kind of situations, there is no “thinking” your reflexes and impulses kick in. You can only really think during intense and horrifying situations when your mind and body is constantly put through that trauma and you develop a certain type of muscle memory to react to each situation. Who knows… He could’ve served left into the door instead of right, but to process all that information in the split second that the door unexpectedly open is unrealistic. He should just be glad he wasn’t run over by the car behind him.

  2. The cyclist should have slowed down passing parked cars, its a public road not a race track!

    What if a small child had stepped out?

    The other cyclist in the yellow shirt manages a sensible speed.

    • Not at all. When you travel closer to traffic speed on a bike, vehicles do not try to unsafely overtake you and endanger your life in doing so. The cyclist should have been into the lane after signaling his intention to do so. That way, he would not have been doored. The cab driver is legally required to yield. I regularly do this, as is my legal and safe right to do so to prevent being doored. If you are not sure if a driver will yield to you, you must make yourself seen by first signaling, then making eye contact and moving into the lane without hesitation or trepidation. It is fear that most often cripples an unsure cyclist. One must not guess, but assert his right. No one will give it to you. You must earn it. This mentality and approach has saved my life when a few bad drivers have ignored their responsibilities and failed in their duties. I ride and live in downtown Ottawa, Canada. I obey the laws, as should you.

  3. This happened to me a couple of years ago, except I was going a bit quicker and was closer to the car when he flung his door open. As a result, I wasn’t able to miss the door.

    Drivers need to look carefully in their mirrors before opening their doors. It can be extremely dangerous if not.

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